Monday, September 15, 2008

月曜日 UICから

I think I am getting quite used to the Genki book that we use here at UIC. I really like that there is no romaji that is tempting to look at, like in Hakase. I'm still very much behind in terms of kanji though. My kanji is out of practice - sleeping in my brain for about a year now. It's much easier for me to recognize kanji than write it down.

Kato-sensei was going to show the first episode of 山田太郎ものがたり (The Story of Yamada Taro) but due to copyright/viewing limitations it had been canceled. 残念(ざんねん). Fellow GTS gang trio members may have heard of this drama as it has two members from Johnny's band, 嵐. 二宮和也 (Ninomiya Kazunari) and 櫻井翔 (Sakurai Shou).



Unknown said...


But okay because YamaTaro wasn't that good. That and the girl in it was down-right freaky. O_o;;